EpicRealms Status

Okay, it’s gonna be released some point, but at the moment we’re reworking the game into a Browser version! Woo! 😀 we’ll start posting regularly again now 🙂

Okay, Maybe not.

I was SUPPOSED to release EpicRealms Public Beta today, but I spent so long getting addicted to a game called Crawle, I ran out of time. It’ll have to wait forever next weekend now, Sorry!

TechnoMagick Enterprises

After much debate and discussion on the website, TechnoMagick Enterprises finally has a website! It’s only just been launched and thus is a WIP, but it is available at http://technomagick.atspace.co.uk now!

TechnoMagick Enterprises is the company behind EpicRealms and is owned by Damian Heaton. More info available on website.

Soon we’ll even have a separate blog for it 😀